Civic Action Tales (CAT)

Last Update
May 2024
Are you a bridge builder? Do you need support producing high-quality content for your initiative? Get in touch -

The opportunity

We have the opportunity to showcase three people involved in projects that contribute to their local communities. We have funding to produce a professional 5-minute interview about your story with civic action and how you got involved. The primary aim of this project is to create three videos that inspire youths to take the first steps toward engaging in causes they believe are important. In parallel, the Civic Action Network in Austria is producing three more videos about their local initiatives. Our goal is to shoot in June and stream the films at the Civic Action Tales (CAT) Festival on September 14th. The CAT Festival is intended to become an annual event where we highlight and celebrate civic action in Stockholm. It will be a place to meet other local changemakers and learn methods from each other to expand our actions and organizations' reach, inspiring younger generations. The movies and short video content snippets will be available online to increase our and your projects reach.


Currently, we are looking for changemakers who want to be featured in the short films and others who want to participate and be featured during the festival.

- Active in a civil society initiative that attempts to overcome social bubbles, build bridges, counteract polarization, promote dialogue, or enable more social cohesion
- Active for a few years already
- Approximately between 20 and 35 years old
- Ready to share your story publicly
- Currently in Stockholm Region

Interview can be in English or Swedish If you are interested in participating, get in touch with diana[at] and we can take it from there. Let’s celebrate our contributions to the community together!

This project is co-founded by the European Union.

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